That's certainly a true statement. Sadly, more and more, Congress, POTUS, and especially the courts, have either ignored the Constitution, or "interpreted" it in a manner that's so illogical only an insane person could follow it. That said, in this case, we have to decide if what we're doing now constitutes a true "war" or is more like a military police action. IMO, war means going all out, with full effort and as much force as is necessary, to totally and completely defeat enemy nations of our country. We haven't done that since WWII.
I would hope that as a "believer in the Constitution" you would agree that Congress is limited in its powers and cannot simply grant itself unlimited authority.
I feel ALL branches of Government should be extremely limited in power. I do, however, feel that the Commander-in-Chief should have full authority to act immediately if he feels national security is threatened by a foreign entity, be it a nation or a terrorist cell.
My only point was that when the republicans have made such an absolute mess of your country an imbecile knows it's time for change .
OK, the Republicans have done a crappy job. Agreed. But before I "change" anything, I want a credible, viable, alternative. Obama's way is neither. The man's words have no substance, other than I get that he:
- Hates coal.
- Wants to jack up taxes on "the rich", which by his nutty calculations, includes me.
- Spread the wealth, ie, Income Redistribution, ie, take from those who work, and give to those who don't.
- Ban personal ownership of firearms, thus leaving us defenseless.
- Allow, and expand on the continued murder of preborn infants.
The US electorate seems to have supported that view in pretty large numbers .
Not in the state I live in, but overall, yes. What I find so disheartening are the number of Obama supporters who worship at the feet of "change" yet cannot give any specifics as to exactly what those changes will be, or how it will specifically help them.
My opinion is this election was more about "Anybody But Bush" and the Republican Party offered no real alternative.
I live in Ireland ,i have no idea where you're getting your 70 percent tax brackets from .
I looked up Ireland in the Tax Misery Index, and indeed your nation is very low compared to other European nations like Sweden.
Anti gun Whackos ? As opposed to what ,over 40000 handgun deaths a year ,and exactly how many school shootings ?
First of all, that's a totally bogus stat, but that's not the point. If it were 10 times that number, it would not change my opinion on this issue. In fact, it would actually enforce it.
There are basically 3 types of death by firearm, or "handgun" if you prefer:
Accidental: The number is falling thanks to a stronger emphasis on firearm safety instruction; but in a world where hemorrhoid medication requires a warning not to take orally, I don't see much hope that the number will ever get too low.
Suicide: Someone who is determined to end it all is going to succeed no matter the means.
Murders: The key point here is that murders are committed by criminals. I'm all for taking firearms away from criminals. I'm even more for taking criminals out of society. What I'm not for is taking firearms away from law-abiding citizens.
Tell me, have your tyrannical anti-gun laws in Ireland taken all firearms away from criminals? Don't even bother to answer because I know the answer is of course not, because that's simply not possible. Instead, law-abiding citizens, like you I assume, are rendered all but defenseless. You have to put your faith in pepper sprays, maybe a big stick, and the police.
That's all hunky-dory until Mickey O'Thug and his gang jump you, stick a 9mm in your face, and rape your wife and daughter in front of you.